Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement
The people of IvamonColor have committed to making their website accessible, in accordance with the UNE-EN 301549:2022 standard, of January 5, on the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices.
Compliance status
This website is fully compliant with the UNE-EN 301549:2022 standard.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This accessibility statement was submitted on 09/25/2024
The method used to prepare the statement was an evaluation carried out by an external body.
Comments and contact information
You can contact us for accessibility issues (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as:
- Report any potential breaches by this website.
- Transmit other difficulties in accessing content.
- Ask any other questions or suggestions for improvement regarding the accessibility of the website.
To the number 681 307 689 that appears in the header of this web page
Optional content
This website:
- It has been designed to meet accessibility standards according to the web content accessibility guidelines.
- The page has been created using HTML5 as a markup language, CCS 3 style sheets for its design and PHP 8.0, thanks to a WordPress 6.1.1
- Complies with the requirements of Standard UNE-EN 301549:2019, taking into account the exceptions of Royal Decree 1112/2018.